Back Office 02 November 2016 Hits: 12286 How supportive is the ProStocks Back office? ProStocks is the only Flat Fee Stock Broker in India, who is providing LD Keystone, India’s most expensive and reliable back office software. ProStocks Back office is available in Browser, Exe and Mobile App and provided free of cost to our client. People in this conversation Comments (1) Sort by Oldest First Sort by Latest First Subscribe: Email Guest - user about 1 year ago Sorry. The above information is incorrect. I am using the same Apex Softcell software for Back Office in my other DP. (Not Prostock). I am not satisfied about their service since whatever menu i pressed it displays "Undefined" error. I sent almost 5 Emails. After that, they corrected 50% issue and working but the remaining 50% menu still displays error. I am waiting for their solution since last 5 months. They are not yet updated. Finally my DP advised me to use Chromium based browser. (Earlier I used Mozilla Firefox version 113 with EME free version. After using Microsoft Edge 60% menus are working. The remaining 40% menus are not working till this date. Unhappy about their services. (i.e) Apex Softcell., Share Short URL: Permalink Stickies Lovies Login to post a comment Username Password Login Remember me Post comment as a guest Name (Required): Email (Required): 0 Cancel Submit Comment