What do you mean by dematerialization and how it works at ProStocks?
Dematerialization is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent number of securities in electronic form ...[details »] |
Does ProStocks depository allow you to change the nominee?
Yes, the nomination can be changed anytime by the account holder/s by simply filling up the nomination form once again and submitting it to ProStocks....[details »] |
In ProStocks depository can a minor be a nominee?
Yes, a minor can be a nominee in ProStocks depository account. Account holder needs to appoint guardian for minor nominee in the form....[details »] |
Can an NRI be appointed as nominee in ProStocks depository account?
Yes, NRI can be nominated directly in ProStocks depository account. But, the power of attorney holder cannot nominate on behalf of NRI....[details »] |
Who cannot nominate in ProStocks depository account?
Non-individuals including societies, trusts, body corporate, partnership firms, Karta’s of Hindu Undivided Family, minor, holders of power of attorn...[details »] |
How many nominees can be appointed in ProStocks depository account?
Only one person can be nominated irrespective of the fact whether the Demat account is held singly/jointly in ProStocks depository....[details »] |
What is the procedure for nomination in ProStocks depository account?
Nomination can be done either at the time of account opening or later. Nominee name and address is to be provided by account holder. The account holde...[details »] |
Is it mandatory to nominate in ProStocks depository account?
No, it is not mandatory to give nomination in ProStocks depository but should always be made to avoid hardship caused in future due to not making nomi...[details »] |
Can the existing corporate Demat with ProStocks be continued in case of a name change?
ProStocks depository allows you to change the name of the corporate Demat account and the existing account can be continued....[details »] |
Can I add or delete names of account holders (second or third account holder) after opening the account in ProStocks depository?
No. Names of the account holders for ProStocks depository account cannot be changed. If you want to change name or add/delete an accountholder, you ne...[details »] |
What is 'Standing Instruction' given in the ProStocks account opening form?
This is an instruction if opted that allows you to receive credits automatically in your demat account with ProStocks depository....[details »] |
Can I change my address and bank details in ProStocks depository?
Yes. You can change your address and bank details in your ProStocks depository account, you must ensure that any subsequent change in address and bank...[details »] |
Can someone else operate my account on my behalf in ProStocks depository on the basis of a power of attorney?
Yes. If you authorize any person to operate your account by executing a power of attorney and submit it to ProStocks depository, that person can opera...[details »] |
What do I do if I have physical certificates with the same combination of names as in ProStocks Depository, but the sequence of names is different e.g. A & B, B & A?
In this case you may open only one depository account with ProStocks depository A and B as the account holders and lodge the security certificates wit...[details »] |
Can I open a single account in ProStocks Depository for securities owned in different ownership patterns?
No. The Demat account in ProStocks depository must be opened in the same ownership pattern in which the securities are held in the physical form. e. g...[details »] |
Can a depository account be opened in ProStocks with four holder's names?
Yes, a depository account can be opened in ProStocks with names of four holders but the account can be operated only for dematerialization of shares h...[details »] |
Can I open more than one Demat account with ProStocks Depository in identical names?
Yes. You can open more than one Demat account in identical names. There is no restriction on the number of Demat accounts you can open with ProStocks ...[details »] |
Why should I open an account with ProStocks depository?
ProStocks provide zero annual maintenance charges account. There are no account opening charges. There are no inactivity charges. ProStocks collect ...[details »] |
Who is a DP?
CDSL provides its services to investors through its agents called Depository Participants (DPs). ProStocks being one of the agents appointed by CDSL w...[details »] |
What are the facilities offered in ProStocks Depository Account?
ProStocks depository account offers following facilities: -
Dematerialization i.e., converting physical certificates to electronic form;
Remater...[details »] |