What is 'execution date' given in the delivery instruction form issued by ProStocks?
Execution date is the date on which securities will be actually debited from your account. The execution date written on the delivery instruction has ...[details »] |
What precautions do I need to observe with respect to Delivery Instruction Slips [DIS]?
Your DIS book is like your cheque book. The following precautions are to be taken: -
Ensure that DIS book is issued to you; do not accept loose sli...[details »] |
What is an 'Inter Depository' transaction?
There are two depository in India NSDL and CDSL. Any transaction between one client of CDSL and one client of NSDL is termed as an 'Inter Depository' ...[details »] |
What is the current rolling settlement cycle?
With effect from 1st April,2003 SEBI has mandated a T+2 settlement cycle i.e. a trade executed on the floor of the exchange on Day T will have to be s...[details »] |
What settlement details are required on the delivery instruction slip provided by ProStocks depository?
On every stock exchange, various settlements are effected every day such as daily settlement, auction settlement, etc. Each of these settlements is id...[details »] |
What do you mean by 'Market Trades' and 'Off Market Trades'?
Any trade settled through a clearing corporation is termed as a 'Market Trade'. These trades are done through stock brokers on a stock exchange. 'Off ...[details »] |
What is the procedure for selling dematerialized securities with ProStocks depository?
The procedure for selling dematerialized securities is very simple. You can login to your ProStocks trading account or call the ProStocks dealer and s...[details »] |
How do I register for easi?
Login to CDSL’s website www.cdslindia.com and click on the link “Register Online” from the homepage.
Select the facility easi
Enter yo...[details »] |
Do I get any intimation for debit and credit of shares from my ProStocks depository account?
Apart from transaction statement, ProStocks have SMS alert facility for demat account holders whereby investors can receive alerts for debits (transfe...[details »] |
Can I freeze my demat account with ProStocks depository?
CDSL system provides the facility to freeze the accounts for any debits or for both, debits and credits. In an account which is "freezed for debits", ...[details »] |
What security do I have with ProStocks depository if the only proof of my holdings is merely a piece of paper indicating my account balance?
No transaction can be effected in your account without your written authorization. Further, if you are away for a long time, you have the facility of ...[details »] |
What is to be done if there are any discrepancies in my transaction statement?
In case of any discrepancy in the transaction statement, you can write email to [email protected] or call ProStocks....[details »] |
At what frequency will I receive my Transaction Statement from ProStocks?
You will receive a Transaction Statement every month if you have done any transaction or once in a quarter if there is no transaction during the perio...[details »] |
How will I know that ProStocks has updated my account after each transaction?
ProStocks will provide you login name and password of its back office software to view your holding and transaction since beginning. Additionally, Y...[details »] |
How would I get my bonus shares or other non-cash entitlements in ProStocks depository account?
The concerned company obtains the details of beneficiary holders and their holdings from CDSL. Your entitlement will be credited by the company direct...[details »] |
How would I get my dividend / interest or other cash entitlements in my ProStocks depository account?
The concerned company obtains the details of beneficiary holders and their holdings from CDSL. The payment to the investors will be made by the compan...[details »] |
Does ProStocks depository convert electronic holdings back into certificates?
Yes. If you wish to get back your securities in physical form, all you have to do is to request ProStocks for Rematerialisation of the same. 'Remateri...[details »] |
How long does ProStocks depository take for dematerialization process?
Dematerialization will normally take about 15 to 30 days....[details »] |
Can I cancel my Pending Demat Request with ProStocks?
Yes, pending demat requests can be cancelled by filling Annexure – A provided by ProStocks depository....[details »] |
Can I dematerialize any share certificate in my depository account with ProStocks?
You can dematerialize only those certificates that are already registered in your name and are in the list of securities admitted for dematerializatio...[details »] |